The EEOC has Been Busy!

Four professionals sitting at a table with notes and technology

The last couple years have been very busy for The EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). With new and expanding issues such as social media passwords issues, domestic violence reports, and new rights and discussions for the LGBT community. The strides taken for equality of same-sex partners and the effect of ObamaCare mean changes in the employment world. The laws surrounding employee rights is ever changing, but we strive to have the most comprehensive knowledge of California employment laws.

The EEOC now has a new Strategic Enforcement Plan (SEP), this plan gives directive for the top six issues which will take priority for the foreseeable future. These are the most common areas of issues in the work place and are sited in hundreds of thousands of employee complaints every year.

The new plan calls for strong focus on the following:

  • Improved hiring and promotion avenues for minorities
  • Improved protection for vulnerable employees including immigrant and migrant workers
  • Transparency of new and emerging discrimination problems in the workplace
  • Improved enforcement of equal pay laws
  • Preserving and improving access legal help for all
  • Targeting outreach programs to preventing harassment and educate would be victims

As the EEOC works to improve things system wide, United Employees Law Group works with individuals to protect employees’ rights. If you are having issues at work or have had with a previous employer we are here to help.

Call TODAY for your free and private consultation.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/ ESB Professional

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