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What You Need to Know: Dress Code Policies in California

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Employers in California are permitted to enact mandatory policies relating to dress codes and they must be reasonable so as not to burden employees or violate their freedoms.


When is an employer allowed to require a dress code?

Employers ca require that the employees wear work uniforms if the employees don’t have to buy the uniforms. Supplying the uniforms is the responsibility of the employer and frees the employees of the burden of having to look for matching colors to wear to work.

The dress code, however, should not veer off into discriminatory territories or affect an employee’s religious freedoms but rather uphold their right to come to work dressed neatly. The California employers can also enact grooming policies and reasonable dress codes which are based on their legitimate business needs and financial goals. Policies may be enacted to prohibit certain kinds of wear for men but allow for women to wear adornments like earrings.

Who enforces these dress code guidelines?

There is a commission that is tasked with the responsibility of enacting and enforcing these regulations known as the California Fair Employment and Housing Commission and its main task is shielding employers from unfair and discriminatory employment practices. This commission prohibits the employers from enacting dress codes and policies which might have a discriminatory effect against employees based on the equal employment opportunity laws.

The dress codes should also not be in way of a peaceful working environment or promote sexual harassment behaviors, something the dress code rule is keen on enforcing. According to the law, certain kinds of revealing clothes are not allowed by employers and even sexually suggestive clothing is disallowed unless it has a legitimate financial reason to enact the policy. Additionally, the rules require employers to allow for cross-dressing employees to follow dress codes that are assigned to opposite-sex employees.


Whenever the employer asks for a uniform to be worn at work, they are additionally expected to provide the necessary apparel in accordance with their specifications. The dress codes will impact the working environment and how the employees are able to relate to one another. This dress code and a strict standard of dressing also tend to have a significant impact on a brands image which is ingrained in the work culture. An employer that has uniforms for workers is also required to pay for the uniform and not take it out of their employees’ pay package. In this way, there will be an equal opportunity for all and the uniforms will be useful for an organization during work hours.

Photo Credit: PressMaster/Shutterstock.com

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