New California Bills Passed: Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Photo Credit: Ditty_about_summer / Shutterstock.com   In order to encourage a safe and friendly working environment, the CA state legislature has passed several bills which are meant to curb sexual harassment in the workplace. The bills were signed on September 30th, 2018 by the California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. The act mainly intends to protect […]

Beating Sexual Harassment

“Sexual Harassment:…any undesirable act or conduct with sexual undercurrents that adversely affect the beneficiary’s workplace.” We’re all acquainted with outrageous demonstrations of sexual harassment, for example, a squeeze on the backside, gazing, lecherous comments and disturbing endeavors at touching. With regards to genuine cases of sexual harassment, everybody should comprehend what to do. Report the […]

Things to Know About Workplace Sexual Harassment

Sexual mistreatment at a workplace is one of the most burning issues being faced by people today. It refers to unnecessary personal remarks, advances or behavior which is indulged into by employees or higher authorities. According to the law, asking for sexual favors or conducting offensive behavior at a workplace is considered as sexual harassment. […]

Workplace Relationships

Relationships within the workplace are not, per se, considered harassment; but it is plausible for those of a romantic nature to lead to situations that give rise to claims of harassment. Do note that harassment is a form of employment discrimination that involves behavior that is hostile, inappropriate or unwanted within the workplace. The following […]

Discrimination in the Workplace

The UELG (United Employees Law Group) is a California based employment law firm that is devoted to helping employees who have been subject to discrimination in the workplace. The organization provides assistance to employees through class action in recovering damages and addressing unfair treatment by employers (wrongful termination, harassment, etc.). Over the years, UELG has […]

Sexual Discrimination in the Workplace

In every work environment, there are various forms of discrimination that usually take place. The most common is the sexual discrimination in the workplace. Though most people see it as a form of discrimination that only happens to female employees, sexual discrimination also happens to male employees. Another common myth is that sexual discrimination only […]

Is Your Company Prime to be Sued by the EEOC?

Sexual harassment and discrimination are about as old as the workplace itself, what workers don’t know is just how important WHO commits the harassment is. Most employees know that harassment can come from anywhere within the company, but did you know that if it is committed by a manager or executive the company in its […]

Employers Sued by the EEOC for Failing to Protect Employees

Harassment at work is nothing new, but many employees do not understand the significance of the WHO. While most instances of harassment occur between employees, if the abuse of power is coming from a supervisor then the company itself can be held accountable as well as the harasser. If the harassment was committed by a […]

Is it Really Worth Suing Your Company?

How your attorney builds your case will make a big difference in how personal it gets. Know before you get involved, just what it’s worth to you. It should go without saying that there are a multitude of different types of legal cases, and how those cases are proven can vary greatly. For this reason […]

We Do Not Work in the Wild West!

We may live in the wild west, but as an employee in the great state of California we all have rights; rights that have been carefully constructed and governed by the Labor Code of California. The unfortunate truth is, a good number of violations go unchecked and unaccounted for every year because the employees who […]